Xero Integration
Client ID - Client Secret
https://developer.xero.com/documentation/getting-started-guide/ (There is detailed information about the integration steps on this link.)
Client Id and Client Secret information are requested from the screen opened by clicking the Add your application link.
Fill the form and click the Create App button.
App Name : ShopiVerse , Company Url : https://app.shopiverse.tech , Redirect Url: https://app.shopiverse.tech/tr/ settings/commercialsystem/xeroaccept
Such a screen is displayed after registration.
Detail information is displayed by pressing the Generate a Secret button.
Commercial System Definitions
Client Id and Client Secret information copied from here is saved in ShopiVerse > Settings > Commercial System Settings > Parameter Definition tab.
If your Commercial System is not listed, you can define a new Commercial System from Commercial System Definitions.
Then log in to the Xero panel again. You can access the account details via the Accounting button.
The value in the Account Number field in the account details is copied and saved in the ShopiVerse parameters.
If the Account Number information on the Xero panel is empty, it should be filled and registered.